"When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?" - Pam Brown

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year...New Us...2011

“Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?”

It’s a New Year … 2011, will this be it, the year we finally change our habits and change our life? Will this be the year we become healthy. I’m not talking about how many pounds we’ve lost or what size jeans we can get into by Valentines Day or 4th of July, or our next birthday or the Sister’s Retreat. I’m talking about changing our thinking on what defines our diets.

It shouldn’t be about what size we are, we need a goal that is deeper. For me it will be to lower my blood sugar. My goal is to be off 1 of my diabetic medicine by summer. Then by the end of the year I want my cholesterol lowered by 70 points. But, my main goal is to like myself no matter what my size is or how many times I have to “start over” … I don’t know how to do that, but I’m going to find out.

Now is the time for us to “start over” Let’s make new, more personable goals, something just for ourselves. Let’s challenge ourselves … let’s challenge each other!

For our first challenge … do something you’ve been putting off until you are “skinny”. Do it now … get a new tattoo … join a dance class … get a photo shoot done (something risqué!) Then, let’s journal (post) our goals, our hopes, our successes, our failures, we will be helping each other by doing so.

I found a few inspirational quotes that may (or may not) help;

“If you keep on going the way you're going you'll end up where you're heading - which direction are you aiming for?”

“Think of yourself as a toy train. All toy trains de-rail now and then. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on track.”

And some helpful websites;

