"When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?" - Pam Brown

Sunday, September 27, 2009


6.2 lbs - I lost 6.2lbs - did you hear me, I LOST 6.2lbs!!

In 2 weeks :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Ok I did it. I bit the bullet (I would probably eat one right now if I had one) and started a DIET!! UGH!! You know that is a 4 letter word.

I don't know what it is about diets but I'm always hungry.

Oh - and I went to the gym last night - can you believe it??? I still can't and I was there for over an hour and not just wondering around. My legs are killing me and I'm starving!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

It works!!! Yeah!!! It's just texting - all of you need to set it up - I do everything by phone now!!
Blogging by phone

So I set up my phone so let's see it I can blog from my phone. I really just want to see what it looks like.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Its a sickness ...

I’m in what I call the “In-between” size. You know the one, it’s where your current clothes are way too big, but the next size down doesn’t quite fit yet. My pants are the worst, I walked into Target the other day and my shorts were falling off me taking my underwear with them, so I had to go shopping (Dillard’s was having a massive sale). After trying on several different pants, and becoming more and more frustrated, I headed over to the shoe department, where I know I’ll always find something that fits. Only thing is – I didn’t need shoes, I needed pants!

So there it is - my sickness … shoes! more importantly, designer – high-heeled shoes! I love them, the higher the heel, the better, they make me feel tall and make my legs look sexy … but most of all … they make me feel skinny! (I think it’s smart that they only have those “feet” size mirrors; if I saw my whole body … I don’t think I would be walking out with a new pair of shoes!) Shoes make me happy! In the book In Her Shoes there is a wonderful quote; “When I feel bad I like to treat myself. Clothes never look any good... food just makes me fatter... shoes always fit.” This is how I feel! Shoes alway fit! But ... I want clothes to fit too.

This brings me to my next sickness … exercise videos! I keep buying them, all with good, even great intentions. Promises of “I can be slim in 6 weeks”, or “Look, I can get skinny working out 10 mins a day” or my fave “Firm my way to a great booty”. The problem with working out … I don’t have work-out shoes! I know, for as much as I love shoes, I hate tennis shoes. They hurt my feet and make them numb and tingly. I would much rather walk around in my 4.5 inch, Jessica Simpson, black flat toe heel. It’s a work out isn’t it? That high of heel has to be working out my … hmmm? Calves? How about my balance, I have great balance! Does that count?

When I was skinny, I loved to work-out, I loved playing sports, I went mountain biking 6 months pregnant (much to the dismay of my father-in-law). Fast forward 65+ lbs … and I hate it, actually I hated it 45 lbs ago!

So here I am stuck at the same weight for 3 weeks now … I lost 27 lbs and stopped, which always happens! My doctor tells me, if I would just walk 20 minutes a day, I’d push past this … 20 minutes … he is kidding? Its 110 degrees outside … at midnight!

They say (I don’t know who “they” is) that it takes 7 times to make a habit. And exercise should be a habit, not a chore and eventually my body and mind will grow to love it! HA! But, I’m willing to give it a try.

So, here’s to day one of the “new” habit! Working out …with or without shoes, tennis shoes I mean. Let’s all start with today and for seven days do 20 minutes of something that gets our heart rate up (does sex count?). Post during about how you’re feeling … I’ll let you know if my body is really starting to “love” it. Then let’s all post at the end of seven days and see if it’s a habit! I’m doubtful … but let’s prove me wrong!

And anyone wanting to borrow a great work-out video, I have a few to spare …

Secrets of Thin People...

So I read this article and here is what I have learned...the 10 secrets of "skinny" people.
1. they don't diet - I'm not on a diet
2. they keep track of their weight - I'm on the scale at least 2x's a week
3. they exercise regularly - I take the stairs at work and park at the end of the parking lot
4. they don't solve problems with food - ok they have me on that one
5. they stop eating when they are full - I do too, I'm just hungry alot
6. they don't surround themselves with temptation - I have kids (magnets for anything sweet)
7. they allow themselves a treat - I do too!!!
8. they eat breakfast - every day for me - like I said I'm hungry alot
9. they move, stand and fidget more - I move, I stand and I fidget
10. they don't skip meals - haven't missed a meal in years!!

So they have me on 1 secret so why am I 50lbs over weight??? Does that one little secret get me, I have to do all 10 to be skinney??? I guess so.