"When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?" - Pam Brown

Friday, October 16, 2009


Oh Molly - I'm sorry you have a saboteur in your mists!! BOO Dan - why couldn't he just be a computer geek or mechanic or something like that? (Because I wouldn't of had the best wedding cake EVER!!)

If it makes you feel any better my 6.2lbs was before mom came to visit - I haven't been to the gym since and Mike goes 4 times a week. He has lost 17.8lbs.

So I don't know what is worse a cooking saboteur or a losing weight faster and clothes getting to big quicker husband. (which he also has to let me know I haven't been to the gym!!) BOO Mike!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Crabbiness & Sabotage

Fall is usually the time of year I love. Getting the kids back to school, shopping for the needed items, going to football games, digging out fall sweaters and boots, the smell of wet leaves in the morning and the deep rich colors of fall leaves. And fall food ... mmmmmm fall food means, warm apple crisp with vanilla ice cream, clam chowder with honey corn bread, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies …
Of course fall doesn't happen here - in Purgatory! We have three seasons … Hot (Nov – Jan), Hotter (Feb – May) and Hottest (June – Oct).  It's just too darn hot! Too hot to move, too hot to breath, too hot to blink! The heat makes me tired, gives me a headache and makes me terribly crabby! We are also busy as a family ... running here and there, work, school meetings, football games, band concerts, and the last second "oh yah ... I forgot to tell you ..." those dreaded words are usually followed by a slip of paper being handed to me, one that was dated over a week ago, one that's going to make me skip my healthy dinner, get back in the car and attend whatever it is that was just handed to me. All of this while it is still 106 degrees ...

On top of all that, my husband, who is great chef and could make anything taste good, even the meager and sparse fare I should be eating, is sabotaging me. He makes, cheese ravioli, pizza and mac -n- cheese for dinner. He helps Mary make chocolate chip cookies and brownies, which serves as a double whammy; you try coming home from work, (where it's taken the car the whole ride home to cool off from sitting in the sun all day) you walk in the door and are blasted with the heat of a 400 degree kitchen but the wonderful smell of chocolate! Then my wonderful husband says to me ... oh sorry, you salad fix'ins froze in the fridge (because it's so hot, you have to turn up your fridge) and you don't have anything to eat ...

All of this has made me incredibly crabby ... even angry! I find myself wondering "how did I get here" I was never a bad eater or really an over eater ... but mention the four letter word "diet" and suddenly I'm hungry, when two seconds ago I wasn't and all I really want to do is stomp my foot, throw my fists in my eyes and display my two year old "impression" all the while screaming "I don't want to work-out, I want the cookie! GIVE ME COOKIE"
So, I've come to that point ... the point where they (whomever "they" is) say that everyone going through a lifestyle change goes through. Where your suppose pick yourself up, dust off the mistakes and forge ahead! Repeating to yourself positive anticdotes like, Don't beat yourself up, or It's about feeling healthy, or my favorite look how far you've come.

I read an article by the Biggest Loser trainer-lady (the mean one), it was titled How to Reach Any Body Goal. What she said is:
1. Take Responsiblity for YOUR life - and your weight. Check
2. Create a Healthy Environment for Yourself - Working on it
3. Be Prepared to Deal with Saboteurs - Not sure how 'cuz it's husband
4. Ban the word DIET forever!

My goals for the coming weeks will be simple, I'll pick myself up, dust off my mistakes and forge ahead. Oh, and ... ban the word DIET forever! And, I choose you guys as my support!

Congrats Bekah!